Able to carry 800 Marines and their gear anyplace they need to go — the
San Antonio Class Amphibious Transport Dock is vital for projecting U.S. forces abroad: but they don't come cheap. The newest vessel will cost American taxpayers about $1.5 billion and is designed to be the the most survivable amphibious assault ship ever designed.
While the Defense Department's director of evaluations doesn't agree, and thinks the ship's critical systems aren't reliable, and the ship will
crumble against an attack — it didn't stop the Pentagon from
purchasing one more — last week.
Given the ship's weighty cost and its debatable abilities we thought we'd take a look at what the Pentagon's getting for the taxpayers' dollars.
Read more: Navy's six active San Antonio-class amphibious Landing Platform Dock ships are an integral part of the Navy's future
The flight deck holds up to four Sea Knight helicopters that together can transport 100 troops or 28,000 pounds of cargo
The second LPD to hit the seas was christened the USS Green Bay and its flight deck is called "Lambeau Field" after the Packers stadium
In addition to the Sea Knight choppers the LPD's carry V-22 Ospreys and can launch two at once
This Osprey is launching from the USS Mesa Verde, the third ship in the San Antonio class
As important as the hanger deck is, the real advantage of the Amphibious Transport Dock ship is down below decks
Here, the USS New York is opening the well deck
Shown here completely open, the New York's well deck is prepared to take in an Amphibious Assault Vehicle.
Here, a Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) hovercraft prepares to enter the USS New Orleans
The well deck can contain two of these hovercrafts
The LCAC hovercraft can hold 60 tons of material and is armed with two machine guns and multiple weapon mounts
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